Referral Process
Dr Steenkamp’s clinic at Onderstepoort is known as a referral practice.
Thus meaning that he receives cases only on a referral basis from your
local vet (also known as first opinion practices). Should you have a concern about your pet, your first point of
contact should always be your local veterinarian, who will investigate and in most cases be able to treat the
problem directly.
Should your vet require further insight or clarification on his/her findings, they are then more than welcome to
contact Dr Steenkamp at the clinic for advice. Should this still not resolve or
answer their query, they may feel in necessary to refer the case to the clinic for further investigation.
What to do if your pet is referred:
In the event that your animal / pet is referred by your vet to our practice, please ensure that you bring along
in the day any and all relevant reports, test results, x-rays and or CT scans that have been performed. This
will allow Dr Steenkamp to eliminating what has already been done and he is then able to proceed with making a
diagnosis and establishing the appropriate treatment for the problem.
It may also be necessary at the initial consult for Dr Steenkamp to perform further investigations / treatment that
may require your animal to be put under general anaesthesia. As a precaution, please ensure when
you bring your pet for the examination, that it has been “starved” for this eventuality.
Starving means that your pet may not eat any food from 22h00 the previous
evening. Water is
allowed at all times! This is a general rule and applies to mid age, mature and generally healthy animals.
If your pet is very young, old or very ill, please do not follow this general
guideline regarding “starving” as it may negatively impact the wellness of your pet, instead follow the guidelines
given by your local veterinarian or should you still be unsure, please contact the
Clinic for appropriate advice.
Should you be concerned about the general anaesthesia mentioned above, please contact the Clinic so that we are
able to answers any concerns you may have and give you further information on the possible procedure and what
it could entail to set your mind at ease.
Documents that have to be completed when your pet is referred:
A Client & Patient Record Form is available in either Microsoft Word or pdf format. Please complete this form,
print it and bring it along on the day of your consulatation.
Please also read and
print the Consent to
Treatment and Acceptance of Estimate document and also bring it along on the day of the

Please do not forget. Your own vet must provide you with
a referral letter. This letter must also be brought along on the day of your consulation
with us.
Directions to Onderstepoort are available by clicking here.
If you need to make further contact, please click here from where you will either be able to call us or send an